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Britney Spears reunited with boyfriend

Feb. 07, 2008. Britney Spears is reunited with her boyfriend Adnan Ghalib after her surprising release from the hospital in L.A. Just hours after the singer could go home she had a meeting with her attorney Adam Streisand. Currently there are rumours that Spears doesn’t want her father Jamie to have full control over her financials. Mother Lynn wanted to take her daughter to come to Luisiana where she was brought up and be able to care for her and her pregnant ‚lil sister Jamie Lynn who has been seen drinking at the Super Bowl 2008.

Britney Spears had troubles since she and Kevin Federline split up. She has been going out with IT-girl Paris Hilton (known for her sex video "1 night in Paris") and been seen with many different men during the last months.

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